Tag Archives: self help

7 Doable Fixes for the Sunday Scaries to Try Now


It’s terrifying, and it’s coming—Monday. In a phenomenon well-known as the “Sunday Scaries,” the first day of the workweek is something to seriously dread for many Americans. In a 2021 poll by isolved, 42% of workers reported that they get “very stressed the night before returning to a workweek.” Though it might seem that the […]

A Practical Guide to Modern Dating


So you’ve thrown yourself into the modern dating pool, eh? You brave, brave soul. Look, I know meeting new people, going on dates, figuring out if you even like the person sitting across from you—it can all be confusing, frustrating, and just exhausting at times. But before you start to despair, I want to challenge […]

The Problem with Perfectionism and How to Move Away From It


The need to be perfect, perfectionism, can be a real challenge for people, impacting personal happiness and general well-being.  Perfectionistic behavior can also negatively impact relationships.  The problem is that there is often a real benefit to having your act together, being extremely detail oriented and seemingly able to do it all.  And you may […]

Dating Fatigue: Take a Break for a More Positive Mindset

Dating Fatigue

Clinton Power, Australian relationship counselor, looks at the benefits of taking a break from dating to reset your thinking, be self-reflective and ultimately be more open and ready for the kind of relationship you really want when you get back out there. If you’ve been in the dating game for a while, it’s likely you’ve […]

Let’s Take Another Deep Breath

take another deep breath

It doesn’t seem that long ago when I wrote a slew of articles to support the many under chronically high levels of stress, worry and preoccupation during the pandemic.  A common thread connecting my audience, clients and many people around me was uncertainty.  No matter how people experienced it, the collective response involved some level […]

Achieving Success Comes Down to One Thing: Connecting With People

Connecting With People

Connecting with people. Everyone finds success differently, whether it’s by pulling bootstraps a little tighter or knowing the right people at the right time. In my case, I found success only after doing something I typically dread: networking. But after moving to a new city—where I knew no one, and no one knew me—I didn’t […]

10 Signs You’ve Made It as an Entrepreneur


Other people call you crazy. But you call yourself an entrepreneur. It takes a different breed to transform an idea into something real, something successful, and Steve Jobs would have tipped his hat to you for signing up for the challenge. “Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs […]

3 Ways to Build Trust With Your Body Language

build trust

Do you know how to build trust with your body language? People tend to overestimate their ability to read others’ faces or body language when determining if someone is trustworthy, psychologists say. Practiced liars can be experts at genuine-seeming eye contact and gestures. But as unreliable as body language is, it might still be a […]

7 Qualities of the Most Charming People

Qualities of the Most Charming People

What are the qualities of the most charming people? You know the guy. He’s poised. He’s confident. And when he speaks to people, it’s in a strong, measured voice and a relaxed tone. His words are well-chosen. Even his classy but understated appearance seems to fixate everyone around him. But it’s not what he’s saying […]