Strongman Leon Miroshnik Deadlifts 410 Kilograms (903.9 Pounds), Nearly 4 Times His Body Weight


There is one rather simple but very effective way to distinguish one’s self in the strongman sphere: lift extremely heavy objects — from the floor, above your head, any way you can. That’s precisely what Leon Miroshnik recently accomplished, in turn distinguishing himself among his strength peers.

On June 5, 2023, Julian Howard (@worldsstrongestfan on Instagram) shared a clip of Miroshnik successfully deadlifting 410 kilograms (903.9 pounds) during a training session. At the time of this writing, it is unclear precisely when the lift occurred, but based on Miroshnik’s own Instagram profile of training progress, it appears to have occurred at some point from May 2023 to early June 2023.

Miroshnik had a body weight of under 105 kilograms (231 pounds) at the time of the lift — his usual strongman competitive class — meaning this deadlift was approximately 3.9 times his body weight. Miroshnik wore a lifting belt and lifting suit, and utilized lifting straps and knee sleeves to assist him with the monstrous pull.

A glance at Miroshnik’s own social media will inform one of almost everything that they need to know about his deadlift power and upcoming plans.

For example, there is a video of Miroshnik showing off his endurance by scoring a 300-kilogram (661.3-pound) deadlift for nine reps during the 2023 Siberian Power Show (SPS) in early April 2023. Miroshnik did not participate in the main event competition in Krasnoyarsk, Russia, but appeared to come and show out his deadlift prowess anyway. Before that, in early March 2023, Miroshnik detailed the “biggest pull in his arsenal” when he successfully deadlifted 420 kilograms (925.9 pounds) with the bar elevated on low mats while using roughly the same equipment setup as his recent feat.

Miroshnik’s most recent update is the athlete pulling 350 kilograms (771 pounds) for three reps, without a lifting suit, in early June 2023. In the post’s caption, Miroshnik makes a point “shout out” the 440-kilogram (970-pound) deadlift performed by his Russian countryman and seven-time World’s Strongest Man (WSM) competitor Mikhail Shivlyakov during the 2016 Arnold Asia strongman contest. At the time of this publication, it is unclear if Miroshnik is using Shivlyakov’s accomplishment for context or teasing a future attempt at reaching another impressive benchmark.

According to his page on Strongman Archives, Miroshnik has participated in three sanctioned competitions during his career. His best placing was a seventh-place result at the 2019 U105 Strongman World Championships.

There are a lot of prolific and talented deadlifters in the world of strength sports, but it’s still an exclusive club. Miroshnik undoubtedly has a membership and, down the line, could be known as one of the globe’s more famous and strongest pullers. That is, if he doesn’t already have that reputation.

Featured image: @worldsstrongestfan on Instagram

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