Get Back Your Health With Colon Hydrotherapy

With all the food people generally consume throughout the day during the various meals and snacks it gets a bit overwhelming for a certain part of our bodies to keep up. The colon functions at a steady pace and with the over consumption of brunches, snacks, and appetizers our colon simply gets bogged down from the extra demand for performance.

The colon’s primary responsibility is to reabsorb water from our food waste to help keep our bodies hydrated. Its other function is to get rid of the waste itself. When the colon becomes backed up and is unable to pass the food waste as regularly as it should its primary functions become hindered and we are no longer able to have a normal bowel movement. This is known as constipation. Constipation is the root cause to many ailments such as fatigue, headaches, and bloating. Constipation is commonly causes by overeating and a lack of healthy amounts of water and fiber in our daily diets.

Constipation is caused when food waste gets lodged inside the colon and as more food waste passes it builds up in the same spot and causes the entire flow of fecal matter to slow down and even cease. Once these food wastes are trapped inside the colon for prolonged periods of time the toxins and bacteria present in them are reabsorbed into the bloodstream and are carried throughout the body where they can cause severely negative effects to our overall health. When this happens it is important to give the colon some immediate attention. A quick and effective way to cleanse the colon and free it of built up fecal matter is colon hydrotherapy.

So what is colon hydrotherapy exactly?

Colon hydrotherapy is commonly referred to as a colonic or colonic irrigation. It is a procedure in which a small, disposable plastic tube is inserted into the anus and warm, purified water is gently forced into the colon. The water fills the colon and is then released to eliminate the built up fecal matter. This process is repeated several times throughout the procedure and any leftover materials are removed via a small vacuum disposal hose. Throughout the procedure you will be lying on a table and may have a practitioner gently massaging your stomach.

The tip of the hose inserted into the anus is both sanitized and disposable so it is only used once and will not introduce any foreign germs or bacteria into your body. Also, the system utilizes precautionary devices that ensure no previously expelled fecal matter will be introduced to the body or any fowl odors will have to be endured. The facility you visit to have your colon hydrotherapy session performed will likely take whatever steps necessary to ensure that you are completely comfortable and care free during the entire procedure. A colonic irrigation typically lasts forty-five minutes to an hour.

There are many benefits to colon hydrotherapy.

During your colon hydrotherapy session you’ll be ridding your body of many harmful substances that have existed in your colon for far too long. Such unsanitary things as mucous plaque, expired cellular tissue, packed food wastes, various parasites, harmful toxins, and foreign bacteria are completely flushed from your body. After a prolonged stay inside your body these very things could have or likely did cause you to suffer headaches, sluggishness, a hazy thought process, sinus infections, dermal allergies, and even ran the risks of colon cancer. By finally freeing your colon of these harmful elements your body can now effectively absorb the vitamins and nutrients readily available in your food wastes, just as nature intended!

Furthermore, colon hydrotherapy can be greatly beneficial to the organ itself. The colon’s muscular functions can be greatly restored and a stronger colon can pass waste and perform bowel movements much more effectively. Not only does this feel great and revitalize the body in its entirety but a fully functioning colon can also help prevent further build up and constipation. Once the colon reaches its natural efficiency the elimination of toxic food waste becomes much easier and prevents build ups.

There are several other benefits of colon hydrotherapy. Colon hydrotherapy will prepare your colon for a colonoscopy or any other procedure that can be used to effectively inspect and diagnose the colon. This will make it much easier to detect such illnesses as colon cancer and may actually be required before some of the appropriate procedures are undergone. Most importantly, through a healthy colon your entire body will be relieved of many ailments you may have suffered previously, so a colon cleansing can actually be quite vital to your overall health.

It should be very obvious that colon hydrotherapy can be extremely advantageous in more ways than one when it comes to maintaining a healthy colon and a healthy body. If you of someone you know may suffer from of the symptoms associated with an unhealthy colon and are interested in colon hydrotherapy you or they should consult a physician for more information.

Source by James W Deanneo

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