8 Essentials For Self Help


Let’s Talk Essentials For Self Help

It is essentials for self help to become a part of our routines. We must be able to take a deep, clear view of what makes us tick. It’s also wise, necessary, and essential, for each of us to consult health professionals. 

With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why, it is beneficial.

Solutions; service; system:

Begin the process, by fully considering, what you need to address, and understanding your personal strengths, as well as areas of weakness! When you do this, in an objective way, you will focus on solutions, rather than stress and tensions! Your approach must provide you, with real service, and help you create and implement, the finest possible system, to better address your needs, goals, and priorities.


A wise approach is to learn how to best take advantage of, and use your strengths, while placing, much of your emphasis, on effectively addressing areas of weakness, and concern!

Listen; learn:

Study, pay attention, and effectively listen, and learn from every conversation, observation, and experience!

Find (self); future; faith:

Have faith in yourself, and your ability to heal thy wounds, by proceeding with a positive, can – do, attitude! Have additional faith, in what you believe in, and focus on creating the best, possible, future, to meet your needs, priorities, and perceptions!

Healing; head/ heart:

Each of us, need to enhance our personal healing potential, and proceed, with, effectively using, both, our logical and emotional components, in a well – considered, head/ heart balance!

Excellence; endurance:

If you want to achieve your personal, finest degree of excellence, it will be necessary to proceed, with a consistent, dedication, to maintaining your endurance, in a meaningful, realistic, relevant way!


You won’t become your finest, unless you, consistently, learn the lessons, which will help you, help yourself!

Priorities; planning:

Addressing your personal priorities, effectively, means using meaningful, focused planning, and deciding, what course of action, might be, best for you!

SELF – HELP. when used effectively, often, makes the difference between a happier, healthier life, with less stress/ tension, and letting life’s everyday events, control you! Will you commit to the process, and actions?

Source by Richard Brody

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