Category Archives: Uncategorized

The top 8 most common stress-related questions, answered.


The irony is that it’s kind of stressful to find answers about stress. There’s so much conflicting information out there. But if you’re a health and fitness professional, your clients—maybe even your friends and loved ones too—will likely turn to YOU for counsel. They’ll ask things like: “Is stress REALLY toxic?” “Do you think stress […]

Precision Nutrition’s Body Fat Calculator


Want to know your body fat percentage? This free body fat calculator estimates it instantly, using three scientifically validated formulas. But that’s just for starters: Our body fat calculator does way more than spit out numbers. In addition to getting your body fat percentage estimate, you’ll also receive a FREE report that’ll help you understand […]

Influence: Parenting and Grandparenting

Influence: Parenting and Grandparenting We had three graduations in our family this year so spring was busy! Andrew turned eighteen in May and graduated from grade twelve in June. I was surprised to watch all the goings-on to prepare him for the ceremonies and celebrations. His brother gave him a suit to wear. His father […]

7 Benefits of Self-Help / Self-Improvement Books

What are the 7 Benefits of Self-Help / Self-Improvement Books? Undoubtedly, the finest way towards personal growth is to read books. In the modern world, the impact of quality self-improvement/ Self-help books is unfathomable. In an era when excluding a selective few, everyone else is suffering from the ill-effects of stress-related complications, the self-improvement books […]