Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Ultimate Sports Nutrition Guide for Athletes and Coaches


Calories | Protein | Carbs | Fat | Micronutrients | Hydration | Nutrient Timing | Sports-Specific Nutrition Guides If want the winning edge, sports nutrition is your secret weapon. More the just eating well, sports nutrition is a strategic way of eating that optimizes your athletic performance. It ensures your calorie, protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamin, […]

Motivational Interviewing: The proven coaching method that helps people change—even when they’re feeling stuck


We all have an inner belligerent teenager who resists, rebels, and feels misunderstood. If you’re a coach, you might be familiar with scenarios where a client’s inner-teen surfaced. Maybe it was when a client… … trained even harder despite you cautioning them to take time to recover. … complained of heartburn, but when you suggested […]

The Deep Health Assessment: How’s your health… REALLY?


“How’s your health?” When most people hear that question, they immediately think about their blood work or maybe a nagging problem, like back pain or heartburn or migraines. Others might focus on a fitness achievement: “Just completed my third marathon this year. Never been healthier!” Many people simply consider their weight or overall appearance: [pinches stomach] […]

Level 1: The “Deep Health” coaching secret that transforms short-term fitness goals into life-changing results


Losing 10 pounds. Running a half marathon. Getting six-pack abs. How do you turn short-term client goals into something meaningful, sustainable, and inspiring? Enter: deep health coaching, the revolutionary method that gets your clients the results they want, plus the results they need. ++++ Are you truly transforming your clients’ health? Are you helping them […]

How to become a certified stress management coach


When people experience more stress than they can handle, they usually struggle in many different areas of their lives. Sleep gets disrupted. Relationships grow tense. Nutrition habits regress. More alcohol and sweets tend to come into the picture. Exercise becomes a thing of the past. The scale often goes up. It’s not uncommon for stressed […]

Minimally-processed foods vs. highly-processed foods: What to know


“Eat fewer processed foods.” Nearly every health expert says it. (Sometimes so often that you’ve maybe tuned it out. Kind of like when they say, “Eat your greens.” Whatever, Mom.) But have you ever wondered why? Plus, what even counts as a processed food anyway? In the following infographic, we cover everything you need to […]

What is a wellness coach? (And how can you make wellness coaching your career?)


You know what you should do for good health. Get enough quality sleep most nights. Cook nutritious, satisfying meals at home, most evenings. Make time for sweating, meditating, time in nature—whatever helps you feel recharged and strong. It’s just that DOING these things (consistently) isn’t so easy. Just like your dog stubbornly lying in front […]