Category Archives: RSS Feed

Should I Stay or Should I Go?


If a silver lining can be found in the fallout of the pandemic, it’s that many of us (maybe finally) have started to prioritize our health and relationships over our jobs. The possibility of contracting COVID-19 was enough for the world to reconfigure how it spent each moment. That meant devoting more time to family […]

Spend Your Time Intentionally


By Leo Babauta I’ve seen a lot of people with goals about changing how they spend their time, things like: Spend more time with family Have a better work/life balance Spend more time outdoors Spend more time with friends Read more And so on These are wonderful goals! They all involve something that theoretically is […]

Do You Treat Yourself Like You Deserve?


There are different kinds of resilience and overcoming adversity. There’s blocking out the noise and potential vices of first-time independence to graduate summa cum laude with a double major. There’s the more psychological resilience of being extremely introverted while growing up, only to enter a field in which communication with others is the foremost prerequisite. […]

The 4 Keys to Effectively Dealing With a Bad Boss


I’m certain that at some point in your life, you’ve had to deal with a bad boss. The unfortunate truth is that lousy leaders contaminate an otherwise healthy environment. Some do it more obviously through aggressive, loud, opinionated, dominating communication and behavior. Others covertly use their employees and team members as pawns to elevate their […]

Plant-Based Power with Steele Smiley


Steele Smiley is the founder and owner of fitness and plant-based restaurant chains. His healthy lifestyle began when he was 10 years old and started training 40 hours a week to be a professional athlete. Due to a bad speech impediment during childhood, Smiley strategically chose to swim so he wouldn’t have to socialize as […]