Category Archives: RSS Feed

The Problem with Perfectionism and How to Move Away From It


The need to be perfect, perfectionism, can be a real challenge for people, impacting personal happiness and general well-being.  Perfectionistic behavior can also negatively impact relationships.  The problem is that there is often a real benefit to having your act together, being extremely detail oriented and seemingly able to do it all.  And you may […]

Let’s Take Another Deep Breath

take another deep breath

It doesn’t seem that long ago when I wrote a slew of articles to support the many under chronically high levels of stress, worry and preoccupation during the pandemic.  A common thread connecting my audience, clients and many people around me was uncertainty.  No matter how people experienced it, the collective response involved some level […]

Dating Fatigue: Take a Break for a More Positive Mindset

Dating Fatigue

Clinton Power, Australian relationship counselor, looks at the benefits of taking a break from dating to reset your thinking, be self-reflective and ultimately be more open and ready for the kind of relationship you really want when you get back out there. If you’ve been in the dating game for a while, it’s likely you’ve […]

Create a Better Budget in 2023


Chances are good that at least one of your resolutions centers around improving your finances in 2023, like paying off debt or building an emergency fund. One of the best ways to do that is creating a budget.  The word “budget” can bring up images of spreadsheets and formulas that make you want to pull […]

Growth Mindset for Kids: Where Do I Start?


Educators, parents, counselors and anyone with children want to help kids develop a growth mindset. After all, the value of a growth mindset is widely known. It promotes success, happiness, resilience and learning. In fact, the TEDx Talk given by Stanford University Professor Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D., helped launch the growth mindset movement, dedicating much […]

The 10 Best Books for Goal Setting


Setting goals is a deceptively simple task—after all, you just pick a goal and work toward it, right? Not quite. There is no one right way to create goals. But, whether you’re faced with roadblocks, a lack of accountability or are just trying to figure out where to begin, there is plenty of advice out […]