By Leo Babauta At the start of the pandemic, in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, I launched Fearless Mastery, my small group coaching and mastermind program. It was actually perfect timing: my intention was to help people train to be open in the middle of uncertainty, so that they could do their purpose work […]
By Leo Babauta I’ve been diving deep into working with full commitment lately, in my personal transformative work and working with my clients. It’s fascinating work. The biggest stumbling point for people is the dichotomy between: Being detached from the goal, which can ironically make it more likely to achieve the goal. For many people […]
By Leo Babauta Something I’ve noticed that derails a lot of people’s goals or attempts to form habits is the feeling that it’s pointless to even try. If it feels like it won’t matter if you do anything … why would you try? And so when people feel this, they will usually give up, understandably. […]
By Leo Babauta I’ve noticed that so many people are feeling overwhelmed, scattered, and stressed – so much so that focus and effective work become incredibly difficult. So what can we do to be more effective in the midst of this scattered, overwhelmed state? Today I’m going to share the top three things I do […]
By Leo Babauta The holidays can be stressful, with shopping, travel, family gatherings, extra busyness, winter storms, and more. The chaos of our lives plays out in sometimes heightened form over the season. In this post, I’m going to share the practice I’ve been using to deal with whatever stress has been arising in my […]
By Leo Babauta There are a number of common blockers for creating powerful change in your life: Feeling that the effort is pointless Resisting the effort Frustration with yourself or others Disliking the activity Feeling an urge / compulsion to do the old habit Each of these can derail your efforts to create something new. […]
What are you going to do to start the new year off on the right foot and make sure you have your best year ever? Is there one thing that will make the difference between actually achieving your goals and chalking them up to yet another year’s unfulfilled resolutions? What can you do to enhance […]
The new year is your chance to start over—a fresh beginning. It’s a good time to set new goals, change old habits and try new things. If you don’t get out of your comfort zone, if you aren’t learning and taking risks, then you won’t grow. You’ll stay right where you are. So start your […]
The solution to every problem you’ve ever had is written in a self-improvement book somewhere. The critical path to the goal you’re chasing is waiting for you on a bookshelf. You already know that leaders are readers, and that your success is correlated to how much you read. But what do you do when you’ve […]
When I was 29 years old, my husband was murdered. Yes, you read that correctly. That Monday started off like any other. I was at work, recruiting for a critical high-level position. I’d been on the phone with candidates all day, and a few of the interviews needed to be scheduled for after office hours. […]