If you love caramelized onions and melted cheese, you will love this Skillet French Onion Chicken, a great way to jazz up chicken breasts! Skillet French Onion Chicken I’m more of a dark-meat girl, so my chicken breast recipes really need to be jazzed up so they taste delish! Thin chicken breast cutlets are cooked […]
Common deadlift mistakes. To be blunt, deadlifting is awesome. Once you get hooked, you are hooked for life. It is arguably the best test of full-body strength, and the deadlift will never lie to you. You can either grip it and rip it from the floor… or not. Getting better and stronger at the deadlift […]
Other people call you crazy. But you call yourself an entrepreneur. It takes a different breed to transform an idea into something real, something successful, and Steve Jobs would have tipped his hat to you for signing up for the challenge. “Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs […]
Connecting with people. Everyone finds success differently, whether it’s by pulling bootstraps a little tighter or knowing the right people at the right time. In my case, I found success only after doing something I typically dread: networking. But after moving to a new city—where I knew no one, and no one knew me—I didn’t […]
Kettlebell Deadlift for Lower Body When a new lifter finally gets a kettlebell in their hands, the swing is typically one of the first exercises they try. But it shouldn’t be. The swing is arguably the most popular kettlebell exercise and it might actually be the movement that’s synonymous with the oddly shaped weight, but […]
What are the qualities of the most charming people? You know the guy. He’s poised. He’s confident. And when he speaks to people, it’s in a strong, measured voice and a relaxed tone. His words are well-chosen. Even his classy but understated appearance seems to fixate everyone around him. But it’s not what he’s saying […]
Brains rule the world, so it’s important to keep yours healthy. Brains run everything; the stock market, huge corporations, the mom-and-pop shops down the street. Your brain governs everything you do: how you think, how you feel, how you act, how you get along with other people. In my work as a physician, psychiatrist and […]
A story on how to stand up for yourself. The director of a small but busy public library in the Midwest, Marcia Fanning (not her real name) says she was meek and didn’t really stand up for herself for many years: “I let people walk all over me, and I ended up being really unhappy […]
Do you know how to build trust with your body language? People tend to overestimate their ability to read others’ faces or body language when determining if someone is trustworthy, psychologists say. Practiced liars can be experts at genuine-seeming eye contact and gestures. But as unreliable as body language is, it might still be a […]
Are you getting better, smarter, wiser, faster and stronger in your life? If not, why not? When we ask, the answers cause us to strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too. Questioning helps us discover, and then transcend, our human […]