3 Ways to Be More Likeable at Work


You know those people, the ones who are proficient at their job. But, if you’re being completely honest, they’re no rock stars. Yet, somehow, they always seem to get promoted—and it irks you because you know you’re better at the job than they are. They just might be more likeable. Here’s the thing. It is […]

Level 1: The “Deep Health” coaching secret that transforms short-term fitness goals into life-changing results


Losing 10 pounds. Running a half marathon. Getting six-pack abs. How do you turn short-term client goals into something meaningful, sustainable, and inspiring? Enter: deep health coaching, the revolutionary method that gets your clients the results they want, plus the results they need. ++++ Are you truly transforming your clients’ health? Are you helping them […]

The Problem with Perfectionism and How to Move Away From It


The need to be perfect, perfectionism, can be a real challenge for people, impacting personal happiness and general well-being.  Perfectionistic behavior can also negatively impact relationships.  The problem is that there is often a real benefit to having your act together, being extremely detail oriented and seemingly able to do it all.  And you may […]

Let’s Take Another Deep Breath

take another deep breath

It doesn’t seem that long ago when I wrote a slew of articles to support the many under chronically high levels of stress, worry and preoccupation during the pandemic.  A common thread connecting my audience, clients and many people around me was uncertainty.  No matter how people experienced it, the collective response involved some level […]

Dating Fatigue: Take a Break for a More Positive Mindset

Dating Fatigue

Clinton Power, Australian relationship counselor, looks at the benefits of taking a break from dating to reset your thinking, be self-reflective and ultimately be more open and ready for the kind of relationship you really want when you get back out there. If you’ve been in the dating game for a while, it’s likely you’ve […]

Minimally-processed foods vs. highly-processed foods: What to know


“Eat fewer processed foods.” Nearly every health expert says it. (Sometimes so often that you’ve maybe tuned it out. Kind of like when they say, “Eat your greens.” Whatever, Mom.) But have you ever wondered why? Plus, what even counts as a processed food anyway? In the following infographic, we cover everything you need to […]