For most lifters, a week full of workouts just isn’t complete without some tickets to the gun show. But good arm training goes beyond simply ripping through some biceps curls and triceps pressdowns. There needs to be a method to the madness if you want to do more than build a pump that only looks […]
If you rebrand poorly, your brand can suffer. Scarier still: Your margin for error is slim at best. But you can improve the odds considerably by rebranding according to these seven principles: 1. Make sure you’re clear about what a brand is. A brand is much more than your logo. A brand is the sum […]
Growth mindset quotes span history. You can find evidence of what we now call a growth mindset in the words of great leaders, philosophers and spiritual leaders even in ancient times. Consider the Chinese proverb: “A man grows most tired while standing still.” Or text from the Book of Romans in the Bible: “Do not […]
Whether you’re new to managing remote or hybrid workers or you own a company with teams scattered across the globe, one of the biggest challenges you likely face is developing the trust and camaraderie that are so necessary for collaboration and innovation. A commitment to articulate and communicate your company’s values and foster employee connections […]
Anne Grady’s journey toward resilience started with her son, Evan, who is now 19 years old. She knew something wasn’t right even before he was born. After his delivery, the nurse said she had never met a baby that angry—not what a first-time parent wants to hear. Evan cried constantly, and when he was 11 […]
“Doubling up” can be a good thing — A doubleheader at the ballpark, double meat in your burrito bowl, and a double shot of espresso to jump-start the day. But it can also be, well, double trouble — Double vision, double traffic fines, and double-dipping your chip at a party. But how about doubling up […]
Science fiction books and movies of the past drew vivid pictures of today: flying cars, cities on the moon, robots in every household. The internet thinks George Jetson was born in July 2022, which would suggest we are living in that Jetson future. Although no one is cruising past Floor 102 of the Empire State […]
Finding the best budgeting app for you can be tricky since there are multiple options, and each is slightly different. Often appearing on lists of the best budgeting apps, Mint is one of the most popular and easy-to-use apps available. Mint can help you track your spending and income, alert you to fees or interest […]
Have you heard? Don’t tell anyone, but… I really shouldn’t say anything, but did you know… This stays between us… Miss Manners might clutch her pearls at the idea of this decorum-shattering habit, but gossip isn’t always in poor form. While it is mainly talk about someone who isn’t present, it doesn’t always have to carry […]
By Leo Babauta I’ve worked with lots of incredible people who want to create something — whether it’s art, a book, a business, or some impact on the world. One of the stories we often have when we want to create is that we’re too busy, pulled in too many direction, or need to clear […]