How to Ditch the ‘Fake It Till You Make It’ Mindset


Despite your best efforts, a professional career will never be easy. You’ll encounter a bevy of new situations and confront countless complex problems that you’ve never tackled before. And no matter how much you’ve prepared, studied or experienced, you’ll inevitably face circumstances where all that front-end work still leaves you feeling ill-equipped. I’ve felt that […]

Mastering the Art of Letting Go


By Leo Babauta One of the keys to living a life of calm and purpose is the art of letting go. If you’d like a more peaceful life, it’s powerful to look at what disturbs that peace, and practice letting go of whatever you’re holding onto that’s causing you anxiety and frustration. If you’d like […]

How to Protect Your Mental Health at Work


One thing we’d all like to leave behind this year is the prevalence of stress. According to a recent American Psychiatric Association (APA) poll, 31% of Americans anticipated being more stressed in the 2022 holiday season than they were the year before.  And it’s not just the holidays that cause this heightened state of anxiety. […]