Look for Long-Term Triumphs


When Robert Glazer founded the global affiliate and partner marketing agency Acceleration Partners, his timing wasn’t great. It was 2007, and the global economy was spiraling toward a massive recession. It took patience, but the business took off. Acceleration Partners has previously been ranked among the nation’s fastest-growing private companies. The company drove over $7.3 […]

Choose to be Great, Not Mediocre


Last summer, we banned personal electronics from our family vacation—no laptops, iPods, video games or other devices. Instead we played cards, read books and watched the Olympics. The first book on my list was Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, which I’d read for college years ago. I wanted to reread the 1957 novel because it was […]

Motivational Interviewing: The proven coaching method that helps people change—even when they’re feeling stuck


We all have an inner belligerent teenager who resists, rebels, and feels misunderstood. If you’re a coach, you might be familiar with scenarios where a client’s inner-teen surfaced. Maybe it was when a client… … trained even harder despite you cautioning them to take time to recover. … complained of heartburn, but when you suggested […]

The Wisdom of Non-Effort


By Leo Babauta For those of us who find ourselves constantly busy and doing, it’s often hard to imagine a more effortless life. Life is striving, pushing to make things happen, trying to catch up, overcoming inertia, trying to stay on top of things. An approach called “non-effort” might seem a bit nonsensical. But if […]

Mindset Isn’t Everything with Lauren Johnson


Mindset is not everything, but it impacts everything. Lauren Johnson is a mental performance consultant and executive coach with more than a decade of experience working with high-performing individuals, powerhouse organizations and professional athletes, including the New York Yankees. This week, Johnson tells In the Details host Karen Allen about the relationship between mental performance […]