When it comes to building muscle one leg at a time, the Bulgarian split squat, also known as the rear foot elevated split squat, usually gets all the praise and attention. But the real ones know how underrated the front foot elevated split squat truly is. Credit: Zoran Pucarevic / Shutterstock The unfairly overlooked front […]
As much as worry and fear can bring us to our knees sometimes, much of what people get challenged by is not about life changing, catastrophic events but rather the smaller things and the meaning that is made of them. Many suffer unnecessarily when their nervous systems are hijacked by worry and it usually doesn’t […]
What’s your ‘why’? When I ask my students why they want to start their own businesses, the most common responses are, “I want to change the world!” and “I want to help as many people as possible!” But while I’m sure the desire to be of service factors in for many of my students, it’s […]
Deciding when and how to manage your finances as a couple can be a huge source of stress in a relationship. Developing a budget, combining finances, opening a joint checking or savings account or deciding where to park your emergency fund are all tasks that can be tricky to navigate if you and your partner […]
Whether you want to build an impressive set of wheels, boost your strength, or improve athletic performance, your training had better include some single-leg exercises. Indeed, they are invaluable for balancing your physique, addressing weaknesses, improving leg strength, and providing a nasty pump. Credit: Vladimir Sukhachev / Shutterstock Among the best single-leg exercises are lunges, […]
The gym is for everyone. It’s for bodybuilders working to reach 5% body fat on stage and powerlifters who want to bench press 500 pounds. The gym is also for folks who have some gray in their hair, some well-earned laugh lines, and a few general aches and pains from more than two decades of […]
When Robert Glazer founded the global affiliate and partner marketing agency Acceleration Partners, his timing wasn’t great. It was 2007, and the global economy was spiraling toward a massive recession. It took patience, but the business took off. Acceleration Partners has previously been ranked among the nation’s fastest-growing private companies. The company drove over $7.3 […]
Last summer, we banned personal electronics from our family vacation—no laptops, iPods, video games or other devices. Instead we played cards, read books and watched the Olympics. The first book on my list was Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, which I’d read for college years ago. I wanted to reread the 1957 novel because it was […]
We all have an inner belligerent teenager who resists, rebels, and feels misunderstood. If you’re a coach, you might be familiar with scenarios where a client’s inner-teen surfaced. Maybe it was when a client… … trained even harder despite you cautioning them to take time to recover. … complained of heartburn, but when you suggested […]
Is there a feat of strength more visually striking than taking a heavy chunk of metal from the ground, heaving it into the air, and locking it overhead? The image alone, sometimes seen in silhouette, is iconic. The clean & jerk, along with the snatch, make up the Olympic lifts — the only strength sport […]