Becoming your own boss can change your life for the better. It can also make things more complicated when it comes to filing taxes. There are multiple tax tips out there. As a freelancer, it’s essential to ensure you know what to expect, so you don’t accidentally wind up with a huge tax bill. The […]
Q: I’d love advice on balancing my photography side hustle while working an 8-to-5 job. How do you keep your head in the game? How do you manage your company’s perception of your devotion when you’re (likely) openly marketing your side hustle online? A: You are not alone. Today, 36% of people in the U.S. […]
“How much do you bench?” It might be the most frequently asked question among hardcore “gym bros” and experienced gym veterans looking to establish a pecking order, as well as curious beginners looking to strike up a conversation. It’s also one of the most popular (if misguided) ways to inquire about someone’s strength, fitness, and […]
We live in hectic times, and daily life is fragmented and filled with interruptions. This is not a complaint—it’s reality. Over the years, I have found relief and value in keeping a journal for the basic reason that it allows me to find and enjoy uninterrupted sessions for myself in a creative way. My journal […]
Springing forward sounds so hopeful, doesn’t it? We’ll shake off the depressing winter doldrums in favor of walking into the light—literally. This year, daylight saving time starts Sunday, March 12 at 2 a.m. We’ll set our clocks an hour ahead and herald the return of darkness to the more appropriate after-dinner hour, rather than its […]
When it’s time to hit the gym, most people instinctively gravitate toward hitting the weights. That’s certainly an understandable course of action, since weight training plays a role in everything from muscle-building and strength gains to fat-burning and even heart health. However, for maximum results toward any of those goals — physique, performance, or health […]
When it comes to limiting our potential for success, Marie Forleo, our cover subject for the November/December 2019 issue of SUCCESS magazine, says three primary things stand in our way: our beliefs, fears and mindset. And when it comes to the latter, it’s usually a can’t vs. won’t mindset. Use this three-step plan to access […]
I was trapped. I knew it. There was nothing I could do. The rows of brightly colored candy, tabloids and magazines were closing in on me. The family of four behind me had no idea. Customers in other checkout lines were oblivious. But there I was, trapped as soon as I saw it: my nemesis, […]
It’s an awful feeling to hit your limits and have other people see it. It’s a feeling I’m very familiar with. Despite how much I’ve overcome, being vulnerable has been a standard state for me as I encounter the daily challenges of living differently from other people. I have a very beautiful girlfriend, but as […]
Having an estate plan might seem like something only extremely wealthy people need, but that’s not entirely true. While high net-worth people need an estate plan, it’s also crucial if you own a house or business, have children or want control over what and how your possessions are distributed after your death. Even if you’re […]