Self-Healing Pain and Finding Inner Peace with Charles Clay


After incurring a catastrophic back injury during a snowboarding trip in 2008, Charles Clay felt hopeless. Time and time again, doctors told him that he would need to undergo surgery or he may never move the same again. Despite this daunting health outlook, Clay healed himself naturally—without surgery—using several therapies informed by modern medicine and […]

What Is a Credit Freeze, and Should I Do It?


As recent data breaches have shown, you likely can’t prevent your personal information from being stolen. However, knowing what a credit freeze is and taking advantage of it can help protect you and your finances.  When you freeze your credit, it keeps sensitive data in your credit files from being accessed without your permission. While […]

An Unconventional Guide to Happiness


Every day, we’re bombarded with messages telling us that we need to be happy all the time—and that, in order to be happy, we need the perfect job, the perfect partner, the perfect life. And we’re made to think that anything less than perfect happiness is a failure. But the reality is that happiness is […]

Creating When You Feel Resistance


By Leo Babauta I’ve noticed that most of us let ourselves be driven by our resistance to something difficult, scary, unknown. We take on a hard task — creating something, for example — and then we feel some kind of resistance. Or maybe it feels like overwhelm. It’s simply uncertainty, and fear of the unknown. […]