The Missouri River rolled by on our right, shining bright as it reflected the noonday sun. To our left, leafy green trees obscured a golden-yellow cliff face that climbed high into the sky. Below us lay a crushed limestone bike path called the Katy Trail, a gray snake that slithers east to west across Missouri. […]
A few days after being let go, a Philadelphia-based content marketing professional posted on LinkedIn: “Here’s what getting laid off feels like: You just got hit by a bus. And now, before you’ve had a chance to assess your injuries or even collect your stuff that’s scattered all over the street, you have to catch […]
After incurring a catastrophic back injury during a snowboarding trip in 2008, Charles Clay felt hopeless. Time and time again, doctors told him that he would need to undergo surgery or he may never move the same again. Despite this daunting health outlook, Clay healed himself naturally—without surgery—using several therapies informed by modern medicine and […]
The future, quite literally, is now, and the March/April issue of SUCCESS magazine is devoted to laying out all the reasons you should be optimistic about it. Here are 10 ideas to create your future that you can put to use immediately: 1. Find your niche to create your future. Feel free to poll your […]
As recent data breaches have shown, you likely can’t prevent your personal information from being stolen. However, knowing what a credit freeze is and taking advantage of it can help protect you and your finances. When you freeze your credit, it keeps sensitive data in your credit files from being accessed without your permission. While […]
Every day, we’re bombarded with messages telling us that we need to be happy all the time—and that, in order to be happy, we need the perfect job, the perfect partner, the perfect life. And we’re made to think that anything less than perfect happiness is a failure. But the reality is that happiness is […]
“Do less to make more” is Amy Porterfield’s mantra, and for good reason: Through her focus on gaining in-depth knowledge on a select few things and marketing that knowledge to others, hers is the name that pops up when it matters. But entrepreneurship hasn’t always come so easily to her. After leaving her job as […]
As a kid, my dad occasionally took me fishing in his small, rusty tin boat. Sometimes, in the middle of the lake, he’d put duct tape over a leak to keep the water at bay until we got back to shore. He used to say that boats don’t sink from the water around them. They […]
Simple bodybuilding programs are a little too easy to find. You could pull them from fitness magazines — those ghost-written workouts that your favorite bodybuilders supposedly follow. You could roll the dice and ask an artificial intelligence chatbot to generate one for you. Or, you could attempt to develop one for yourself. Just a few […]
By Leo Babauta I’ve noticed that most of us let ourselves be driven by our resistance to something difficult, scary, unknown. We take on a hard task — creating something, for example — and then we feel some kind of resistance. Or maybe it feels like overwhelm. It’s simply uncertainty, and fear of the unknown. […]