How to Plan a Working Vacation


A working vacation may sound like an oxymoron, but taking meaningful time to recharge your batteries without going on a full digital detox is a more realistic and modern approach for many burnt-out professionals. You certainly don’t want to come back to a bursting inbox and stressful scenarios that completely wipe out the relaxation and […]

Turn Struggle into Creativity


By Leo Babauta Most people think that if they’re struggling, that means something is wrong. If you’re struggling to write, to meditate, to eat healthily, to be focused and productive … or struggling in a relationship or job … that means something is wrong with you, or you need to change your circumstances, or this […]

Using Life’s Challenges to Build Mental Strength with Amy Morin


Amy Morin is deeply familiar with grief. When she was in her 20s, both her mother and husband passed away suddenly. Confronted by immeasurable suffering, Morin began exploring strategies to help her cope and develop her mental strength. In the following years, she penned two international bestsellers about the ins and outs of building resilience […]

How to Make Sustainable Practices Make Sense for Your Business


Sustainability is no longer simply a buzzword executives trot out. Implementing sustainable business practices now that create a better future is increasingly critical amid worsening environmental conditions, as well as heightened employee expectations. But to do good, you must still do well—the bottom line and remaining profitable still drive business decisions. Here are a few […]

Types of Life Insurance


In this episode of rich & REGULAR, Julien and Kiersten Saunders are delivering the life insurance low-down. They mull over the purpose of life insurance and perform a cost-benefit analysis on the two types of policies, term and whole-life, while offering their two cents on which one to invest in. They also answer significant questions, […]