Grocery Cost-Cutting and the Aldi Hype


Julien is riding a wave from a recent visit to Aldi grocery store, and he and Kiersten are here to share their thoughts on low-cost shopping options. They’ve noticed inflation in the food and grocery industry over the last couple of months. Atlanta, where the Saunders are based, was recently ranked No. 4 in a list of American cities experiencing the highest rates of inflation. There’s also a heightened focus on food waste and food insecurity

Previously, Whole Foods seemed to be a better option for product variety and quality. But today, after comparing the prices between Whole Foods and Aldi, Julien and Kiersten found that Aldi’s prices were up to 50% cheaper. Food is often prepackaged there, so while it can be difficult to get one jalapeño, for example, buying in larger portions allows you to get an entire side of salmon and save per meal while getting delicious food. 

Don’t pay more than necessary on staples like canned beans, rice and pasta sauce, Julien says. Most people cannot tell the difference between a store brand and a name brand. 

“Last time when I went to Aldi I was fully expecting, just based off of feel and what I’m accustomed to, that this is gonna be about $150, $160 bucks and we didn’t even crack $100,” Julien recalls. “It was like $93 and I get it. I understand why people come here—especially if you have kids.”

Kiersten also recommends T.J.Maxx for the same type of no-frills shopping experience. They discuss both the pain points and the benefits of shopping at lower costs, including how consumerism doesn’t necessarily pay when it comes to brand loyalty. 

Learn more at, purchase Cashing Out: Win the Wealth Game by Walking Away by Kiersten and Julien Saunders and follow on Instagram @richandregular. 

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